Sunday, December 17, 2006

Living space versus number of residents: A seven Christmas study

Christmas 2000---
Lodging= 900 square foot apartment shared with four college roommates.
Christmas 2001---
Lodging= 120 square foot room downstairs at my parents house.
Christmas 2002---
Lodging= 450 square foot duplex shared with one roommate.
Christmas 2003---
Lodging= 750 square foot apartment shared with wife.
Christmas 2004---
Lodging=750 square foot apartment shared with wife.
Christmas 2005---
Lodging=1500 square foot house shared with wife and one child.
Christmas 2006---
Lodging=1500 square foot house shared with wife and two children.


sherry said...

Great comparison. You should do another one with a love meter theme. The love you receive this year would be off the charts from your 3 women (2 babies and lovely wife)!

Mrs. Smith said...

Looks like a good start for the Christmas letter....